Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Directory Information & Questions/Reminders

I have had a few more gyms inquire about the league and I'm not 100% sure we have all of the e-mails correctso I am going to make a league directory.  I've got it started, I just need confirmations and the information you want listed for your gym.  If you intend to participate in the league, please confirm the e-mail address that you would like us to use.  Also, I need any phone numbers, addresses, and any other contact e-mails if you would like them listed in the directory.  This will make it easier to keep good communications and to get out meet information. 

Here is the 2010-2011 League Information on .pdf.

I have a few more questions and reminders:

Prep-Op Question: I need to take a quick survey to see who all is competing some prep-op kids this year.  I know of 1 gym and she asked me to see if anyone else was doing it this year.  Also, a few of the league meet informations that have been sent out have not included prep op.  Is this something you don't want to offer or maybe you just forgot to add?

Meet Entry Fee Reminder:  The team entry fee for league meets is $10.  (All teams that enter will receive an award).  The individual entry fee for league meets is $30 for on-site meets and $37 for off-site meets.

Level 4 Division:  Level 4 will be divided into two divisions.  The recommendation is that gymnasts that practice more than 5.5 hour/week enter the gold division and those practicing less enter the silver division.  However, you may choose to enter either division, please put your gymnasts where you think they need to be.  I don't think there are any level 4s in the league practicing more than 7 or 8 hours/week.  We will use the honor system as much as possible.  This is somewhat of an experiment but I think it's going to work.  If it doesn't, we'll try something else.  If you have any problems, please let me know. 
    As for how the kids will be entered in the meets, I guess that is up to the meet director but you might specify on your entry.  I suppose there could be a meet that has very few kids in one division.  If it is silver, the meet director should probably ask that gym if they would like to combine for that meet in order to have more competitors.  If it is the gold, I would say they either shouldn't be combined or everyone should be informed.  This would be a courtesy of the meet director but WOULD NOT be required; the meet director could just take the entries as submitted.

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